Cannabis Science, Inc. (OTCMKTS:CBIS) Attempts To Stabilize

[[tagnumber 0]][[tagnumber 1]]Cannabis Science, Inc. (OTCMKTS:CBIS) had a great run in the second half of October, but November wasn’t so rosy for the ticker and after attempting to reach for the 10 cent per share mark [[tagnumber 2]]CBIS [[tagnumber 3]]quickly turned red, slashing around 35% of its value in just a few sessions in the beginning of last month.[[tagnumber 4]] [[tagnumber 0]] [[tagnumber 4]] [[tagnumber 0]]The ticker managed to record a few sessions in the green in the middle of November, however, as soon as their financial report for the third quarter of the year came on the 19[[tagnumber 8]]th[[tagnumber 9]] it all went back downhill. And this is because these were the numbers of prime interest contained in it.[[tagnumber 4]] [[tagnumber 0]] [[tagnumber 4]] [[tagnumber 13]] [[tagnumber 14]]cash: $443 thousand[[tagnumber 15]] [[tagnumber 14]]current assets: $782 thousand[[tagnumber 15]] [[tagnumber 14]]current liabilities: $4.16 million[[tagnumber 15]] [[tagnumber 14]]revenues: $0[[tagnumber 15]] [[tagnumber 14]]net loss: $675 thousand[[tagnumber 15]] [[tagnumber 24]] [[tagnumber 0]] [[tagnumber 4]] [[tagnumber 0]]Definitely not looking good, considering [[tagnumber 2]]CBIS [[tagnumber 3]]is thought of as one of the most active companies in the cannabis industry and yet it is still unable to generate any revenues whatsoever. The market cap of the company is also significant, currently sitting at $55.25 million and unfortunately [[tagnumber 2]]CBIS [[tagnumber 3]]has nothing much to support it in their books.[[tagnumber 4]] [[tagnumber 0]] [[tagnumber 4]] [[tagnumber 0]]This is most probably the reason why the ticker continued in a downward direction even after it was announced that the company has acquired a total of 51 acres of production farms back in November 24.[[tagnumber 4]] [[tagnumber 0]] [[tagnumber 4]] [[tagnumber 0]]More recently, however, the daily percentile movements have become quite insignificant and it seems like [[tagnumber 2]]CBIS [[tagnumber 3]]is slowing its fall, despite the lack of press releases. The daily volumes are well below the average as well and any piece of optimistic news my trigger a jump.[[tagnumber 4]] [[tagnumber 0]] [[tagnumber 4]] [[tagnumber 0]]Considering the bad financial performance in the past quarter, however, we advise you to do your due diligence and weigh out the risks before putting any money on the line.[[tagnumber 4]]

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