Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. (OTCMKTS:FITX) Bouncing Back

Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. (OTCMKTS:FITX) managed to add 7.22% to its market value on Friday, in spite of the low volume and the short trading hours. Still – this was only the beginning of its ascent, as it pumped out another piece of boastful and uninformative PR just before the start of the market session, and has started this week in the green.

In elaboration – an overly boastful and optimistic article on the progress that marijuana companies have made in the eleven months since the Green Rush began hit the wire just minutes ago. It made honorary mentions of some of the OTC Markets’ most prominent pot-stocks and painted a very rosy picture for investors. If you follow the general tone of the publication, you’d soon be convinced that all pot-stocks, including FITX, have it made.

However even if you don’t consult other materials on the matter, closer examination of the article reveals that this is as far from the truth as you could possibly get. Only one of the companies mentioned in the article has acquired the necessary documentation to even start working with legal marijuana. The achievements of companies such as Terra Tech Corp. (OTCMKTS:TRTC) and FITX are mentioned vaguely, but the authors seem to have focused on irrelevant things such as the eventual spinoff, yet omitted the fact that neither of those companies currently has the necessary certificates to grow, dispense or research cannabis. And both may not get such certificates for a long long time. 

Longs story short, neither FITX nor TRTC currently have anything to do with actually growing pot. Sad, isn’t it, how the most prominent and touted marijuana companies on the OTC Markets don’t have permits after almost a year of cheering and effort?

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