Eventure Interactive Inc. (OTCBB:EVTI) On Its Way Down Again

Eventure Interactive Inc. (OTCBB:EVTI) had a brief respite after its horrible crash at the beginning of last week, but yesterday it turned bright red again, losing 8.72% of its value in a single session.

It looks like today will bring more of the same for EVTI – the company is already taking a beating, falling another 13% in early trading on a record volume. But what else can you expect?

After all, we’re talking about a company that is on the receiving end of one of the most aggressive pump campaigns of 2014. A quick check reveals that EVTI has a history with paid pumps in the past, but its past attempts pale in comparison to what is happening to it now.

PENNYPICKS, Bull Trends, Penny Stock Newsletters, Prepump Stocks, PennyStock Buzz – these are just a few of the paid pumpers. Suffice it to say that at least 34 emails touting EVTI stock have hit the web in the last 72 hours.

Unfortunately for both the shareholders and the people who were hoping to make some money riding the pump, quantity does not always equal quality. EVTI is currently crashing hard, and it is showing no sign that this state of developments will change in the next few sessions.

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