Insider Penny Stocks Take a Pump Shot at Soul and Vibe Interactive, Inc. [OTC:SOUL]

soul_chart.pngDo you know what it feels like to admit defeat after having been pursuing a particular goal for the umpteenth time? Sure you do as there is hardly anyone in the universe who has never ever been touched by that stinky feeling. The select group of guys who have been splashing out thousands of dollars for promoting the stock of Soul and Vibe Interactive, Inc., f/k/a Victory LG Inc [OTC:SOUL] lately also make no exception. Today, they have given the stock one more try.

The promoting guys in charge this time exist under the moniker of Insider Penny Stocks and they are here to stay at least for the next 30 days. The reward is $30,000 secured by a third party that has remained undisclosed. Thus, the total amount of money allocated for the sole purpose of touting SOUL for the last 4 weeks now goes in excees of $160,000. So let us look at the outcome of all that heavy labour so far.

The first promotion in support of SOUL took place on Feb. 19, i.e exactly one month ago. Back then, SOUL shares were traded at approximately $0.30-0.31 per share. The promotional whirlwind that followed inevitably made the stock much more volatile than it used to be, which is why a lot of investors lost quite a pretty penny while the chosen few raked in some nice profits. Today, SOUL shares are quoted at … the same price as their pre-promo value, which, by the way, could easily be deemed a success since few penny stocks manage to recover in full after falling victim to paid pumpers.

8SOUL_logo.pngNevertheless, the company’s stock is under pumping siege again, which implies that the people initiating this new promotional round have not feathered their nest yet. That is exactly why staying away from this stock is currently your best option. As we mentioned earlier this month, the lion’s share of SOUL‘s common stock is held by CEO Peter Anthony Chiodo and this situation has not changed a wit yet. In this respect, any significant change in the market price of SOUL shares could potentially benefit Chiodo rather than minority shareholders.

Considering the poor results from all the previous paid pumps on SOUL, we could safely assume that Insider Penny Stocks will hardly make a change this time. Not to mention that they also have a notorious past of promoting penny stocks to little effect.

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