Massive Dynamics (PINK:MSSD) on a PR Spree

3MSSD.pngAfter a couple of email campaigns from paid promoters, Massive Dynamics (PINK:MSSD) decided that the newsletters are not the best way to go. And who can blame them? If you take a look at the chart on the right you will see that the pumpers’ expectations were not exactly met when MSSD suffered a few days of heavy losses. After the horrid red sessions, however, they have begun to recover somewhat so we decided to see what caused the movement.

Since we have not intercepted any emails about them for a few days, we figured that the upward trend could only be due to some new, exciting announcements. We were right. While they were promoted back in March, they were speaking about the future of technological progress and they were saying that nothing could skyrocket them into the upper end of the charts like the business of 3D printing. The pumpers agreed and there were even some comparisons with solid companies spending billions of dollars on providing the best possible 3D printing tech technology at an affordable price.

Now, a few weeks later, MSSD have set their gaze on another interesting piece of technology – 3D imaging. What does it actually do? Basically, instead of a computer geek spending hours generating a 3D rendering of an apple, you buy a gizmo, put the apple in it and a couple of minutes later, you’ve got your 3D model. Fascinating. And quite convenient if you need that sort of things. So where do MSSD come in?

Well, they have been spewing out press releases recently and in one of them they said that they have started negotiating the purchase of technological know-how from a company called Real-View 3D, Inc. A couple of days later, they issued another, rather uninformative press release which stated that negotiations are moving along nicely. And, after some tension-building, they finally told us that an agreement has been reached and explained in detail that they were extremely happy about it.

Since this will be a major part of MSSD‘s operations, we hurried to Real-View’s website to see how they have been getting on. We found that they have a speck sheet for their products. We don’t know exactly how the contraptions work, but we do know that they look like something that came out of Star Trek, that they shoot in different resolutions and that they are nowhere near ready for mass production and marketing.

2MSSD_logo.pngThat’s right, Real-View have nothing but hopes and dreams and while it is claimed that they also possess the expertise, they simply don’t have the money to bring their machines to life. As the business summary on their own website says, they need $1.2 million in order to put the 3D imaging devices into production.

Now, though, with MSSD behind their back, they might be able to get the finance, right? Not really. As we mentioned in our previous articles, MSSD themselves are in a bit of a financial mess and we’re pretty sure that before any financial institution agrees to loan them some money, they will perform some due diligence. When the research is done, we’re not sure that money lenders will like what they see. You can have a look through our previous articles and you will see exactly what we mean.

And if you, yourself, are thinking about investing money in MSSD, you should also make sure that you have done the research and you have weighed the risks carefully. The people who didn’t do that during the pump from a couple of weeks ago lost quite a lot of money. Make sure you don’t suffer their faith.

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