Pacific Clean Water Technologies, Inc. f/k/a Unseen Solar, Inc. (OTCMKTS:PCWT) Gets New Advisor

0PCWT_chart.pngEarlier today Pacific Clean Water Technologies, Inc. f/k/a Unseen Solar, Inc. (OTCMKTS:PCWT) announced the company’s board of advisors has a new member – James L. Donahue.

The market performance of this Awesome Penny Stocks (APS)/Victory Mark pump job hasn’t been very impressive so far. Last Friday, PCWT managed a close at $0.238 per share. The volume was the lowest, since the beginning of the pump – a little short of 2.3 million shares.

It’s hard to say whether the press release will have any significant effect on the stock performance of PCWT. The company says Mr. Donahue has a lot of experience with different businesses, but apart from the PCWT press release, there doesn’t seem to be a source confirming who that person is, or what he has done.

It’s entirely possible Mr. Donahue is a solid professional, but the problem with PCWT has more to do with the pumper outfits pushing it, than with anything else.

The previous few picks of APS and Victory Mark didn’t do as well as older ones (which ultimately crashed hard too). Then the last one – PacWest Equities, Inc. (OTCMKTS:PWEI) got suspended by the SEC and now trades on the grey market. With all that baggage, it maybe hard for PCWT to go nearly as high as its older predecessors.

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