Premier Biomedical Inc. (OTCMKTS:BIEI) Investors Are Yelling “Timber”

Premier Biomedical Inc. (OTCMKTS:BIEI) managed to triple its market cap yesterday, And by the look of today’s early trading it may do some more astounding things today.

The company’s new and improved momentum is probably due to the so called “due diligence report” that popped in BIEI‘s newsfeed right before the start of the trading session. It was published by an entity named BroadStreetAlerts, who had some very interesting things to say about BIEI.

Suffice it to say that it looks like the pumpers’ work seems to be paying off. Quite a few shares have already changed hands in today’s trading session, and we’re still less than an hour in it. However, the tricky part is yet to come. Why?

Well, BIEL is currently worth 10 times as much as it was four days ago, when its ascent started. Its market cap has changed dramatically over the last few days, even though there is no real evidence that it has made major steps towards commercial success.

True, it did throw a big announcement out there – but its relevance is made suspect by the sheer mediocrity that a glance at the company’s latest financial report reveals.

This leads to the conclusion that BIEI‘s current ascent is nothing but a hype jump run wild – and we all know how those tend to end.

Long story short – BIEI‘s volatility may have allowed for some spectaculars opportunities for profit, but investors should watch out, because they may end up yelling “TIMBER!” before long.


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