Terra Tech Corp. (OTCMKTS:TRTC) Is Unsure On Its Feet

One would have expected Terra Tech Corp. (OTCMKTS:TRTC)’s Nov. 11 announcement that the company is launching its new extraction facility in Northern California would have flung the ticker sky-high.

As evidenced by the charts, this does not appear to be the case. Why?

Because,at the end of the day, in its essence, the announcement was just another overly optimistic piece of fluff PR. Although some marijuana stock enthusiasts inevitably still get excited by those, perceptive investors know full well to be wary of the statements contained in such press release.

Said perceptive investors, as well as analysts and reporters worth their salt, are interested in more substantial things – like the number of cultivation, production and dispensary sites TRTC will have in Nevada.

Because, at the end of the day, a single extraction facility, even if it is operational, is not going to give TRTC all that many opportunities to capitalize on the marijuana market.

Long story short – if TRTC doesn’t release positive and up to the point information on its dispensaries and cultivation sites soon, its investors may lose faith in or patience with it again. And we all know that from that point on, “unsure footing” can easily turn into a “stumble”, which could turn into a full blown “crash”.

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